English definition and translation from Chinese of: 夫妻没有隔夜仇。 with examples on how to use, sound, pronunciation, stroke order animations for each character and more information。
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如何画蛇: 15 步骤(包含图片)
財源: 廣: 進: simp. (财源广进) ... Some working class people may consider this phrase as unlucky because 財源 ... Chinese terms spelled with 廣; Chinese terms spelled with 。
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1964年生,2023年实岁59岁,虚岁60岁。 1976年生,2023年实岁47岁,虚岁48岁。 1988年生,2023年实岁35岁,虚岁36岁。
夫妻没有隔夜仇 - 八字 辛金 -